The art of learning

Because without freedom, there is no human being. As both the founding and fundamental value of human movement, freedom is not only a blurred concept but also a reality that we must know, cherish, defend, and conquer. Savio Education has the will to teach every student the taste of freedom.

Because humans do not only wish selfishly for their good but also the common good as they are, in essence, social, civilized, and cultural beings. Offering your services to others and the world develops your sense of respect and honesty. Savio Education wishes to train altruists and committed young leaders in the service of society.

Because the sense of justice is the source of honest behavior. Education is a fundamental right that commits the people serving it and thus nurtures lastingly the people who receive it. Savio Education promotes teachers’ and students’ integrity so they can feel responsible for their choices.

Because intellectual knowledge and moral virtues must lead to the consideration of immaterial realities, that is to say, the ultimate end of our actions and choices. Mankind is not just a matter of chance, but a being with a spirit that must be nourished and raised. Savio Education promotes the development of educational projects that integrate the spiritual dimension of men.